summer picnic

one of our june goals was to soak up the summer & we did just that with a summer picnic. shrimp & mango salad, kale & artichoke dip, sauteed zucchini & chocolate chip cookies. all shared with dear friends. 

wishing you all a wonderful weekend! i hope you can get outdoors & celebrate summer with a picnic in the park! 


  1. Emily | 14th Jun 13

    I want to be at this picnic!

  2. Elizabeth Halt | 17th Jun 13

    There is something so summery about outdoor picnics. Love the look of this one. I need to teach my dog to relax; he is so energetic that I find it hard to sit down on a picnic blanket. 🙂

  3. Gaby | 17th Jun 13

    your blog always leaves me feeling relaxed. love these photos 🙂

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