our farm

for a little over four years, luke & i have been dreaming of owning our own farm. a place to grow our own food, to raise a handful of animals, to spread out, truly invest in the community around us & cultivate deep roots. beneath those hopes & dreams of one day owning our own space was the fear of settling down at such a young age. there is always that twinge of doubt when making a huge leap of faith that perhaps this isn’t right, maybe we shouldn’t farm, or there might be other bigger & better things just around the corner. so, we moved several times, established gardens, grew our own food in pots & created little mini farms on postage stamp size yards that weren’t our own. we embraced our lifestyle, growing & learning along the way & believing we would farm one day. 

well, i am here today, with a full & thankful heart, to write that we have taken that leap of faith. if all goes as we hope, we will be moving to our own farm in late july! we are still pinching ourselves & wondering if we will wake up from this dream that is finally coming to fruition. 

it’s a beautiful piece of land that instantly felt like home when we first arrived. our house is just over 1300 square feet with a wood burning stove & plenty of room to grow. the homestead sits on a little over 3 acres of pasture and hills with a large organic garden & a beautiful pond. there is a wood shop & an established barn for animals. 
we negotiated with the sellers to give us five of their goats, too! thankfully, the sellers are also our dear friends & will be sharing their goat knowledge with us as we transition to goat mama & papa. we are smitten!
it just all feels so right. we have fallen in love with this town. we would love to grow food for our family & friends here. we dream of having children who will live just down the road from their grandparents. this space is right outside of the city & allows us to enjoy that quiet we crave while also having the opportunity to easily run into town.

as we wait for the inspection, jump through the hoops of home ownership & finalize all of the details, we can’t help but feel blessed to tend to this land. our dreams are unraveling right in front of us & it’s so exciting! thank you for following along… we can’t wait to share more details soon!
natalie & luke


  1. trinity8419 | 3rd Jun 13

    A huge CONGRATULATIONS!!! Y'all are doing the right thing by giving this heartfelt try at your dream. Very happy for you!

  2. Daniela B. | 3rd Jun 13

    We are so happy for you!!We deam of a farm, too 🙂

  3. shanna | 3rd Jun 13

    So exciting! Congratulations! The land looks beautiful — looking forward to hearing more about your farming adventures!

  4. Caroline | 3rd Jun 13

    Congratulations! The land looks stunning. I'm so excited for you. I love my urban garden, but I dream of a farm, too. And goats…:)

  5. Kelsey // It Takes Two | 3rd Jun 13

    Congratulations you guys!! I've been reading your blog for many years now and I'm so excited for you that you're finally realizing your dream.

  6. Kristi | 3rd Jun 13

    Golly! That is so exciting! Congrats!

  7. mandi | 3rd Jun 13

    Oh girl! You know this speaks to my heart! You have found my dream property- and I am so thrilled for you! I can't wait to see the house too- I know you are going to make it perfect for the two of you. And a note on being too young, I think you jumped in at the right time. It is never too early to pursue your dreams. If the time comes that you need or want to sell, the right buyer will come along. So don't worry about that. This is right for "right now" and that is perfect!


  8. Kaylan | 3rd Jun 13

    oh my word, so perfect! there's nothing like having your own place to farm and do what you want with your land. I'm excited to read along about your goat ownership as we definitely want some someday. Blessings on all the final steps!

  9. Julia | 3rd Jun 13

    wonderful news! i know what you mean about worrying about settling so young. but remember, age is just a number. if it feels right to you, don't worry about the rest. so happy for you two!

  10. Laura Armenta | 3rd Jun 13

    Congratulations!!! This is so exciting! I found you on Instagram and I have to say you are so inspiring. I'm happy to have come across your blog. I can't wait to read about your new adventures.

  11. Sara | 3rd Jun 13

    How wonderful!! So happy for you guys!

  12. britt snodgrass | 3rd Jun 13

    such great news. i'm so happy for you both.

  13. Jen | 3rd Jun 13

    Awesome news for the two of you! What a dream come true! Can't wait to follow you along on your journey.

  14. Stacy | 3rd Jun 13

    I tried to write a comment on my phone on the bus, but I'm not sure if it went through. (So, if you're now getting two, that's why) I just wanted to say how happy I am for your two! I bought my house when I was 24 and it was one of the best things I've ever done. I can't wait to see what beautiful things you do with your farm! xo, Stacy (@seattleseedling)

  15. Unknown | 4th Jun 13

    Oh my gosh, when can I come visit!!! So excited for you two! What a fulfilling and wholesome adventure. 🙂 xo

  16. dänika | 4th Jun 13

    Oh my gosh, I am THRILLED for you two! Congratulations!!! That land is absolutely beautiful, and I am so happy that your dreams are coming true. 🙂 Such exciting news!

  17. Katrin | 4th Jun 13

    How wonderful! Congratulations. I don´t know you personally but I do think this is exactly the thing to do for you two! 🙂

  18. Lisa | 4th Jun 13

    Natalie, I am so so SO thrilled for y'all! It is lovely to grow things on rented land, but it's really very different to be on your own land.

    And this might be a funny flip side of that or something, but I also want to say that owning land does not mean no more surprises or adventure! I didn't realize that at first.

  19. Laney Butler | 5th Jun 13

    I'm so excited for you guys! Looks like a great lil' farm! Congrats!! xo

  20. fawn & fern | 7th Jun 13

    a dream come true indeed! <3

  21. Sarah Yvonne | 8th Jun 13


    Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I came across your instagram the other month and clicked my way over to your blog and was hooked! You live an amazing life and soon it will be better on land of your own! My fiance and I are saving and dreaming of a land with chickens, rabbits, and goats of our own. It was wonderful to find a blog that was so easy to relate to. Through you, I also made my way over to Tend and find it to be such an inspiration!

    Congratulations on this new stage in your life!


  22. Her | 9th Jun 13

    This is so so so wonderful! Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story with all of us. My husband and I have a similar dream and it is so inspiring seeing others dreams manifest into reality. I wish you all the best and happy farming.
    Barefoot in the dark soil, sun kissed cheeks and peaceful soul. 🙂

  23. Laura N. | 29th Jun 13

    I am so thrilled for you!! You are on a beautiful journey. 🙂

  24. Unknown | 17th Aug 15

    I love your story! I grew up with goats and chickens and I can say it is so much fun having animals like that around. Not to mention, farm fresh eggs every morning?!! They taste SO much better than store-bought. Love your little farm!


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