June 7, 2013

june goals

in june 2013, i will:
– simplify
– soak up summer
– continue running
may was so much better than i could have ever expected. although i worked much more than i ever have in my entire life, it is so satisfying to look back on everything i accomplished & know i did it well. june will be even better! i can already feel a more relaxed pace in our home & at work. it’s so nice. 
this june, i hope to simplify! i want to clean out our closets, clear away the clutter in my studio & sell those items we do not need. i also want to soak up this beautiful season. we have moved every single summer for the last six or so years. throughout those six years, i have looked forward rather than soaking up the now. regardless of how many to-do lists might be lingering in my thoughts as we prepare to move to the farm, i hope to savor this warm weather by going on at least one picnic with luke & inviting friends over to simply relax. finally, i want to keep running. i have been consistently running for almost a month now & i want to continue. i have never been a runner, but i am going to become one!
what are your june goals? please share!