about nine months ago, i jumped on the instagram bandwagon & met an amazing community of creative, thoughtful, encouraging people. almost two weeks ago, i met five of those amazing women in person who i now call dear friends. we savored three sweet days together in colorado- drinking coffee, doodling, thrifting, perusing local shops, doing yoga, visiting farms, sipping hard cider, dreaming of the perfect homestead, walking around the farmers’ market & laughing. so much laughter. the conversation was both deep & light. we became old friends in only a few short hours. i love these ladies so so much.
i am just so thankful for this little online community where we can exchange thoughts, meet up if we’re lucky, collaborate creatively & encourage one another to keep on keepin’ on in whatever life season we may be.
ladies, thank you so much for an amazing, inspiring, heart-warming, soul-changing, won’t-ever-forget weekend. i love & miss you all so much!
#coloradogirls2014, am i right?!
if you would like to see more of our weekend, you can check out our hashtag #coloradogirls2013 on instagram. you can also follow these amazing women individually! their instagram names are: livelightly (sara), kale80 (khrista), mightyviolet (rachel), hersoutherncharm (jennifer) & jenlongphoto (jen)! yay!