March 25, 2013

making the most from little

this weekend was an interesting mix of good & unexpected. we checked a few things off our ever-growing to do list, dirtied up a sink of dishes while baking the most delicious strawberry yogurt bundt cake, cuddled a handful of quickly growing chicks, savored breakfast at home, & managed to get out of the house for a day of fun just when we were getting a little stir crazy. 

of course, as life so often happens, we experienced a bit of the unexpected, too. the weather wasn’t what we anticipated with the mix of rain, sleet & snow right outside our door & dampening our spirits. with unexpected trips to the mechanic, two cars & three new tires later, we spent a hefty amount more during our spring break than planned.

as always, we bounce back. these next few weeks we plan to go on a sort-of purchasing freeze to recover from our unplanned expenses & get back on budget. i journaled for a bit on sunday the many ways i could serve our family, stop spending & get a little creative with what we do have.
 i am naming this week clean out the pantry week, a week of using up & eating those ingredients leftover or forgotten in the back of our cupboards & hidden in the fridge. i have several delicious meals planned, including storage winter squash stuffed with apples & sausage from the farm, homemade cornbread, split pea & sweet potato soup, roasted beet bites, omelets, tomato soup with grilled cheese, & sauteed kale from the garden.
my spirits can grow a little weary when i dwell on the unexpected hang-ups of life, but that survivalist in me loves a good, healthy challenge mixed with a bit of thriftiness. there is so much growth & goodness to be found in making the most from very little.
how do you creatively make the most of what you have?