February 11, 2013

finding joy & a change of attitude

this weekend was relaxing & exactly what i hope a weekend to be. luke & i made a sheet fort above our bed for our saturday date night. we ordered in pizza & drank beer while watching ruby sparks (a great film)! our sunday was full of crafting, tidying up for the week ahead & good times with dear friends & family. i even scored that mirror at the thrift along with a few spring dresses. perfect.

even though everything seemed good, i had a hard time this weekend. i was feeling very uncomfortable due to my gluten & dairy intolerance (i.e. pizza on saturday!), but overall i was suffering from a good case of “grumpy pants.” i needed a reset button for my stinky attitude. so, on sunday morning, i tried my best to be thankful & smile. i wasn’t necessarily successful, but i am slowly realizing as i get older (& will continue to realize, i’m sure) that i have much more control over my attitude & joy than maybe i previously thought. oh, it seems so small, but it can have a great impact on our days.
how do you take control of your joy & attitude? i would love to hear your ideas!