girls’ weekend at war eagle craft fair

war eagle weekend is a favorite of mine. this year my mom, aunt, cousin & i celebrated our girls’ weekend with handmade goodness, delicious food & a few too many sweets. it was a small group this year, but we still loved it. this was my sixth year in attendance, but my mom has been going with her mom since she was thirteen. it’s a family tradition. here are some posts from years past {here & here – oh, how my hair has grown!}.

this year, as always, we hit up our favorite spots:

sparky’s for dinner.

& my friend, vanessa’s booth, the mosaic butterfly. i purchased the little house mosaic up above. it made me smile.

i feel so lucky to be part of a family with such a rich family tradition. i look forward to this weekend every year – just 363 days ’til next year’s war eagle! 
share some of your family traditions! i’d love to hear!



  1. Anonymous | 22nd Oct 12

    Such a beautiful setting! As a child, camping was always our special tradition. Now we are making new traditions with our own little guys!

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