September 21, 2011

ideas for inspiration

this morning i woke up with a case of the uninspired & unmotivated blues. this really should not be the case due to many happenings in the upcoming months & a handmade christmas on the way. still, it happened.
instead of sitting around hoping that inspiration would smack me upside the head while doing little, piddly things around the house, i decided to get out. i walked around downtown with my film camera, stopped by for a cappucino, called a friend, a visited a favorite antique shop.

there i found shelves of glass bottles.

beautiful arrangements & warm autumn tones.

& this pretty little vase, which i took home with me…

along with a collection of small bottles & a bag of quarts.

before heading off on my creative adventure, i asked my people on facebook what to do with the unmotivated & unispired blues. here are few ideas that may work for you:

+ color in a coloring book
+ take a deep breath & listen to your favorite music
+ {this} sweet little blog
+ {knit} a gift!
+ {make} change
+ go for a walk
+ {build} something!
+{pin} it
+paint white on white
+ read {letters to a young poet}
+google your favorite era or time period
+ renew your {soul}

what are some of your tricks to get the creativity flowing?
